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When purchasing a Tesla online from Tesla’s website, it’s easy. The only downside of buying a car from your couch instead of sweating it out with a salesperson in a stinky parking lot is it can be difficult to discern details. For example: are the cars windows tinted?
The Teslas (Model 3, X & S) windows do not come tinted. This is important because varying levels of window-tinting are illegal in different states, depending on their motor vehicle laws. However, your car’s windows can be tinted by experienced mechanics. As long as care is taken with the delicate electronics in the Model 3, window-tinting is well within your reach.
Why Would I Tint My Teslas Windows?
While there are many personal reasons you might want to aftermarket tint your Model 3, S or X windows, comfort and efficiency are key factors to consider.
In regards to comfort, eliminating the glare of the sun on your eyes and its warmth blaring on your car can improve your general driving experiences.
Also, reducing excessive heat can help alleviate how much energy your car uses to keep itself cool. And it can stop the plastic materials in your car from releasing toxic molecules into the air because they aren’t heating up as much.
What Type Of Window Tinting Should I Use On My Tesla?
Film window tinting is the most common type of window tinting, but it has many nuances.
Crystalline tinting is used to keep the vehicle cool, without darkening the windows.
Carbon windowing tinting looks spiffy with its matte finish and keeps your upholstery lasting for significantly longer due to its radiation-blocking elements.
Ultimately, specific types of window tinting accomplish specific goals. Before selecting the type of window tinting that is best for your needs, it is crucial that you have a frank conversation with your mechanic to discuss your many options.
Is It Illegal To Tint My Teslas Windows?
Depending on your state, the amount of tint you use on your Model 3’s windows may or may not be illegal. Make sure to carefully check with your state laws regarding such matters.
This chart offers some general guidance for state requirements, but your best bet is to verify with an official state government website. Or, call an expert who can help answer your question at a state government agency.
While no Tesla currently comes with tinted windows, the ability to get your windows tinted is widely available. Before taking the plunge, do your research on what type of window-tinting will suit your purpose and not get you arrested.